The team behind Restaurant Good Luck brings you carefully crafted and time honored cocktails for your most important day. Each wedding package includes 3-hours of open, full bar service and a menu with four specialty cocktails from the list below of your choosing. And if there is something extra special you and your loved one care to offer your guests, let us know and we can serve your custom creations!

Additionally, wedding packages include a champagne toast for all guests and 1-hour of wine service during dinner.



BLACK CAT TEA - scotch, curacao, earl grey tea, lemon, orange bitters

KNOCK ON WOOD - aged rum, apricot, lime, demerara

JACKRABBIT SPRITZ - aperol, kina l’aero d’or, prosecco, seltzer

SPARKLE PARTY - vodka, elderflower, pineapple, prosecco, peychaud’s

SHADDOCK - gin, aperol, elderflower, lemon

MANHATTAN - rye, punt e mes, bitters

BOULEVARDIER - bourbon, campari, sweet vermouth

SIDECAR - cognac, curacao, lemon

AVIATION - gin luxardo maraschino, lemon violette

FRENCH 75 - gin, demerara, lemon, prosecco

Bar Add-ons.

Select one or more of the options below to enhance your beverage offering. If there is something extra special you have in mind, let us know!

Extra Hour Open Bar.

Add $13 per person, per hour.

Custom Cocktails.

Add $4 per person.
Up to two selections.

Gourmet Coffee Station.

Add $4 per person.
Includes specialty syrups, hot chocolate or mulled cider and whipped cream.